We Need You!
Our success relies on support from parents! The preschool leans on the PTO and room parents for support in raising funds, soliciting donations, getting volunteers, and serving as a liaison between the classroom’s teachers and the rest of the class parents. If a teacher needs extra supplies or snacks for a special event, the room parent and PTO help organize.
And don’t worry! We aren’t asking you for a huge time commitment. We have helpful templates for soliciting donations (e.g., asking a grocery store for a donation), introducing room parents to the class, asking for Winter gift money from parents, and more. Interested in volunteering? Fill out the form below or click here.
Here are some events for which the preschool looks to the PTO for assistance:
Back-to-School events
Pizza in the Hut in September
Dreidels and Donuts every December
A Mitzvah Project every January
“Under the Big Top” Purim Carnival and Book Fair in February or March
Teacher Appreciation Week in May
Additional events for friends and family