Is My Child Ready?
Most children aren’t ready to potty train until they’re between 2 and 4 years old. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics discourages parents to begin training prior to 18 months. These are some classic signs that your child is ready:
- Your child is uncomfortable in a wet or soiled diaper.
- Your child hides to pee or poop.
- Your child shows an interest in others’ use of the potty or copying bathroom behaviors.
- Your child goes for longer periods of time with a dry diaper.
- Your child wakes up from a nap with a dry diaper.
- Your child begins verbalizing that they are going in their diaper or that they’re about to go or that they’ve just gone.
Don’t Train During Transitions
When it comes to potty training, you do not want to start during times of transition, including:
- Start of a new school year
- Impending birth of a sibling
- Moving schools, houses, or town
Transitions are already hard enough on a young child, but adding potty training into the mix can make it even harder — and you can face regression after the transition is over, making the entire process even harder on your child.
Use a Rewards System
If your child has expressed all the classic signs of being ready for potty training, one way to get them trained is through a rewards chart system. Read more on the Centers for Disease Control website, plus download a chart and get training!